ITK 4.6-rc02 now ready for testing!

July 3, 2014

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are proud to announce that ITK 4.6.0 release candidate 2 has been tagged and is available for testing!


To obtain the source code,



 git clone

 cd ITK

 git checkout -q –detach v4.6rc02


For more details, please see the Git documentation.


Please test the release candidate and share your experiences on the mailing list, issue tracker, and Gerrit Code Review. Please help identify issues submitting an Experimental build to the dashboard


 ctest -M Experimental  -T Configure -T Build -T Test -T Submit

and notifying the mailing list.  Testing your own applications against the RC is also appreciated.



Those community members wishing to contribute by cleaning up the dashboard can find a list potential candidates on the issue tracker. Please do not hesitate to ask about any aspect of the contribution process.



Congratulations and well done to everyone that has contributed to this release. Release candidates are tagged every week.  The final release is scheduled for July 14th.


New Features


* CMake improvements

 – Improved Remote Module support

 – Add ITK_FORBID_DOWNLOADS for package maintainers



* Filtering Improvements

 – Moved TransformToDisplacementField out of Review

 – An entire noise image generation module


 – Better pipeline support for ResampleImageFilter

 – Move MagnitudeAndPhaseToComplexImageFilter out of Review

 – Setters for LabelMap overlay filters

 – More consistent filter progress reporting


* ImageIO improvements

 – Register the GE image formats by default

 – More IO modules are built as shared libraries

 – OpenFileForReading/Writing methods in ImageIO

 – Support for system tiff 4.0.0-4.0.2 (e.g. some Ubuntu versions)

 – Mangling to internal OpenJPEG

 – SCIFIO improvements


* Infrastructure improvements

 – MetaDataObject print specialization for common types

 – Improvements to ResourceProbe and RealTimeClock

 – More Solve methods for VNLSparseLUSolverTraits

 – Output stream operator for LightObject exposed

 – FFTW bump to 3.3.3


* New Remote Modules

 – Skull stripper


 – Wiki examples

 – Sphinx examples

 – Variational registration


 – AnalyzeObjectMapIO


 – FDFImageIO

 – SplitComponents



* Registrationv4 improvements

 – v4 regular step gradient descent optimizer

 – v4 amoeba optimizer

 – v4 exhaustive optimizer

 – v4 Powell optimizer

 – v4 one-plus-one-evolutionary optimizer

 – v4 LBFGS optimizer improvements

 – Use registration method classes as pipeline filters


* Performance improvements

 – Registrationv4

 – Histogram computation

 – Improved SmartPointer copy

 – CompositeTransform

 – Registration Jacobian re-use


* Wrapping improvements

 – pygccxml 1.0.0

 – .pth symlink usable in a virtualenv

 – Cleaner CMake configuration

 – SWIG and PCRE updated to 3.0.2, 8.34

 – Latest GCCXML, which works with GCC 4.9

 – Sweeping wrapping generation cleanup


* Many style improvements — ITK gets more stylish with every release!


* Improved code coverage — some measures put us over 85%!


* *Lots* of important bug fixes


Changes since v4.6rc01

Bradley Lowekamp (3):


     DOC: Add break in brief description of Canny edge filter

     BUG: Add additional MetaDataObject explicit instantiation.

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (2):

     COMP: Fix "unused-local-typedefs" warnings

     COMP: Fix "unused-local-typedefs" warning in LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer

Kent Williams (1):

     COMP: Fix typo in ReflectiveImageRegionConstIterator.

Matthew McCormick (4):

     DOC: CMake warning BRANWEB -> BRAINWEB.

     BUG: Remove -Wno-unused-local-typedefs flag.

     COMP: Fix IOSTL Doxygen group and Windows shared build.

     BUG: Use Remote repository explicitly on git fetch.

Michka Popoff (6):

     COMP: Move itkMatrixCoefficients wrapping to Filtering module

     COMP: Fix wrapping with Core only

     STYLE: Pep8 cleanup for generators

     COMP: Fix default wrapping with all modules

     ENH: Use open() instead of file() for python 3 compatibility

     ENH: Allow to use methods which pass std::string by reference from python

Nick Tustison (1):

     ENH:  Adding generic computation type.


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